​​Bumble's Bibs, Inc.

How To Help

If you would like to help, there are several ways to do so:

 Bibs.  Make some bibs and send them to us!

See the "Our Bibs" tab for instructions/guidelines for making the bibs. 

We will make sure the bibs are delivered to the Mustard Seed Communities in Nicaragua, Jamaica and Dominican Republic.

                        Bumble's Bibs
                        8648 Ellard Drive
                        Alpharetta, Georgia  30022

Sewing Supplies.  Send us any of the following sewing supplies. 

                         New kitchen dish towels.  Terrycloth towels work the best.
                         New large bar mops.
​                         New thick cloth diapers.
                         Terrycloth fabric or other absorbent, soft and washable fabric.
                         White all purpose thread
                         1" wide cotton twill tape. 

We will ensure the supplies get delivered to volunteers to make bibs or to the Mustard Seed residential care facilities that will be making bibs.

See "Our Bibs" tab for pictures.
                        Bumble's Bibs
                        8648 Ellard Drive
                        Alpharetta, Georgia  30022

Monetary Donations.  Make a tax-deductible monetary contribution to Mustard Seed Communities and earmark/designate the contribution for the "Bib Ministry".


​                        Mustard Seed Communities USA
                        29 Janes Avenue
                        Medfield, MA   02052

​                        Mustard Seed Communities, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
                        Identification Number:  58-1657207